You can operate your small business in several ways. For example, your entity can be a sole proprietorship, an S corporation or a partnership. Here are the advantages of operating as a limited liability company (LLC).
Read MoreThere may be a way to reduce a large tax bill if you own appreciated land that you want to subdivide and develop for sale. Here’s a three-step strategy.
Read MoreWhen spending money personally on behalf of your closely held corporation, you want to ensure the expenses are tax deductible by either you or the business. Here are the key considerations.
Read MoreConverting an unincorporated business into an S corporation may help you cut your self-employment tax bill. Here’s how.
Read MoreLaunching a business? Here’s how start-up expenses are handled on a federal tax return.
Read MoreThe Trust Fund Recovery Penalty is personally imposed on certain business owners and managers when employment taxes aren’t paid to the government. Here are the rules, along with two cases where individuals were held liable for the harsh penalty.
Read MoreYou might want to enjoy the lazy days of summer, but employers and businesses need to make sure not to miss these third-quarter 2023 tax deadlines.
Read MoreHere’s a rundown of the tax deductions you can claim for business travel.
Read MoreKeeping careful business records for meal and vehicle expenses can safeguard your tax deductions. Here are some DOs and DON’Ts.
Read MoreBusiness owners and their employees may not have to pay Social Security tax on ALL of their wages. Amounts above a certain threshold aren’t subject to Social Security tax. Here’s how the 2023 “wage base” will affect your payroll.
Read MoreThe price of gas is going up again in some parts of the country. That may affect the tax deductions for local transportation costs that your small business can claim. Here’s what you can write off.
Read MoreMany small businesses are in need of new employees and may get creative in their hiring. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit can help if you hire from certain targeted groups.
Read MoreSeparating the ownership of a business’s real estate from the business isn’t always advisable. But it might be worthwhile in some situations.
Read MoreA limited liability company can give you corporate-like protection from creditors while providing the benefits of taxation as a partnership. Can it work for you?
Read MoreHow do you handle the costs involved in developing your business website for tax purposes? Here are the general rules.
Read MoreYou don’t have to be a large business to benefit from tax breaks. Here are 3 ways that eligible small businesses can save on taxes.
Read MoreInterested in a “like-kind” exchange of real property? Here are the basic rules.
Read MoreWhen a business shuts down, there are a number of tax responsibilities that must be met. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic and the economy, many businesses are facing this reality. Here are the basic rules.
Read MoreBuying or selling a business may be the most critical transaction you ever make. If your business is considering merging with or acquiring another business, it’s important to understand how the transaction will be taxed under current law. Here are some considerations.
Read MoreIf you’re a business owner or executive, you might be taking it a little easy this summer. But don’t take it so easy that you forget about these third-quarter tax deadlines.
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